Today it was really nice out, so Emily and I walked over to Kiwana's park and layed about on the grass for a bit. Walking back, I was smelling a couple flowers I picked, listening to When the Love Falls by Yiruma, and loving the beautiful day. But then a stupid, loud, smelly truck drove by and I just thought- "Now why did people have to go and ruin this awesome world by making those nasty things?"
I'm not an environmentalist, and I like air conditioning and dishwashers and motorcycles same as the next person. But they're loud and rather annoying, actually. And you know, for a while, all technology really made me miffed.
Later, I was in the kitchen trying to find something to eat. I finally decided to open a can of something, but most things I had were just sides, (beets, tomato juice, etc.). I found the can of freshwater shrimp that dad left for me when my family came to visit last month. It's funny, because, I remember him holding them out to me and saying "These are really good."
And apparently I wasn't paying attention, because I thought they were tuna. I said "Oh, I know. And I just got some baby dill pickles- which is perfect, because they're way good together."
He gave me an odd look. "Pickles?"
"Yeah, nothing better. SO good. I can't wait. Thanks Pops."
And he just half grinned like he thought I was super weird but he'd go along with me. I love him for that. I feel so silly now. Pickles and shrimp? Eh!
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