Some Quotes:
"I am indebted to my mother for living, but to my father for living well."
"I talk and talk and talk, and I haven't taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week." -- Mario Cuomo
"A father is a guy who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be."
"When I was a kid, I said to my father one afternoon, 'Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?' He answered, 'If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you.'" -- Jerry Lewis
"A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty."
History of Father's Day
Sonora Dodd, of Washington, first had the idea of a "father's day." She thought of this idea while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909.
Sonora wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. Smart, who was a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state.
After Sonora became an adult she realized the selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a courageous, selfless, and loving man. Sonora's father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father's Day celebration in Spokane, WA on the 19th of June, 1910.
After the support and efforts of several presidents, Father's Day became an official national holiday on the 3rd Sunday of June, in 1966.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Why not to rock your desk chair
Talking on my phone. Rocking back and forth in my chair. Got carried away, apparently.
Next thing I know I'm on the ground the phone half-way across the room, having knocked things (including the chair) everywhere from the fall. I picked the phone up and the person was still talking! lol
Next thing I know I'm on the ground the phone half-way across the room, having knocked things (including the chair) everywhere from the fall. I picked the phone up and the person was still talking! lol
So if you think about it, you're pretty small. But at the same time, pretty unique.
In the entire universe, only 4% is actual physical matter of some kind. Of that 4%, 99.999% is plasma. Of the part that isn't plasma, 75% is hydrogen, 23% helium, and only 2% of all the other materials. You're just a tiny, tiny percentage of that last 2%. And that's in the entire universe.
In the entire universe, only 4% is actual physical matter of some kind. Of that 4%, 99.999% is plasma. Of the part that isn't plasma, 75% is hydrogen, 23% helium, and only 2% of all the other materials. You're just a tiny, tiny percentage of that last 2%. And that's in the entire universe.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Quotes from BYU
My Astronomy Professor, Dr. Moody, said that "Scientists are really just kids with big toys."
He told us about the cores of a white dwarf, low-mass stars at the end of the lives. The cores are, basically, diamonds. "Like a diamond in the sky."
In lecture on day we learned about Zwicky, "very quirky guy. He was once frustrated with a man and called him a 'spherical idiot.' The man, curious, asked "I just have to know. What do you mean by spherical idiot?" To which Zwicky replied, without a twinge of chagrin, "because, spheres are the same in every direction and perspective. Just like you're an idiot in every way and situation."
Some of my favorites that I found on "Overheard at BYU" (a facebook page) are:
"Our professor gave a powerpoint presentation which she said was "done by my insane former TA, whom, if I see, I will slug."
" My roommate talking about how many girls are in his classes: 'But one of the girls is engaged, so she practically counts as a dude.'"
"While in Washington, D.C. for an internship:
Lady1: You're from Utah? Really? Do you sing and dance and play the piano?
Me: Um, well....actually yes.
Lady1 to Lady2: See?! See?! I told you everyone from Utah sings and dances and plays the piano."
"Psychology teacher to student after class:
No, zombies have no frontal lobe- that's why they lack compound reasoning..."
American literature professor: "There are certain things that would just cause the space-time continuum to implode, and one of those would be me putting on pleather [pants]."
Courtesy of my D&C Prof, Bro Walsh:
"Bro. Walsh- So, you know that game where one person comes up with a phrase and then it's passed down from one person to the next? What do you call it...?
Student2- I bet you call it telegraph."
"If God thinks you're pretty spiffy, who cares what anyone else thinks (including you)?"
"God's capacity to love and forgive exceeds our capacity to sin."
"The difference between men and women can be shown simply by how they each would define 'Ward Ball'."
"Wickedness cannibalizes itself."
"In many burnt offerings, only that which could not be used was burned (entrails, hooves, etc.), leaving the meat and edible parts for the Israelites. When King Lamoni's father wanted to know the Lord, he went passed giving up half, or even all, of his kingdom and said 'I will give up all my sins to know thee.' Just like the Israelites and the Lamanite King, the Lord doesn't want your things. He wants you to go to him, give up everything bad, and keep the good things, to which he will add more."
He told us about the cores of a white dwarf, low-mass stars at the end of the lives. The cores are, basically, diamonds. "Like a diamond in the sky."
In lecture on day we learned about Zwicky, "very quirky guy. He was once frustrated with a man and called him a 'spherical idiot.' The man, curious, asked "I just have to know. What do you mean by spherical idiot?" To which Zwicky replied, without a twinge of chagrin, "because, spheres are the same in every direction and perspective. Just like you're an idiot in every way and situation."
Some of my favorites that I found on "Overheard at BYU" (a facebook page) are:
"Our professor gave a powerpoint presentation which she said was "done by my insane former TA, whom, if I see, I will slug."
" My roommate talking about how many girls are in his classes: 'But one of the girls is engaged, so she practically counts as a dude.'"
"While in Washington, D.C. for an internship:
Lady1: You're from Utah? Really? Do you sing and dance and play the piano?
Me: Um, well....actually yes.
Lady1 to Lady2: See?! See?! I told you everyone from Utah sings and dances and plays the piano."
"Psychology teacher to student after class:
No, zombies have no frontal lobe- that's why they lack compound reasoning..."
American literature professor: "There are certain things that would just cause the space-time continuum to implode, and one of those would be me putting on pleather [pants]."
Courtesy of my D&C Prof, Bro Walsh:
"Bro. Walsh- So, you know that game where one person comes up with a phrase and then it's passed down from one person to the next? What do you call it...?
Student2- I bet you call it telegraph."
"If God thinks you're pretty spiffy, who cares what anyone else thinks (including you)?"
"God's capacity to love and forgive exceeds our capacity to sin."
"The difference between men and women can be shown simply by how they each would define 'Ward Ball'."
"Wickedness cannibalizes itself."
"In many burnt offerings, only that which could not be used was burned (entrails, hooves, etc.), leaving the meat and edible parts for the Israelites. When King Lamoni's father wanted to know the Lord, he went passed giving up half, or even all, of his kingdom and said 'I will give up all my sins to know thee.' Just like the Israelites and the Lamanite King, the Lord doesn't want your things. He wants you to go to him, give up everything bad, and keep the good things, to which he will add more."
Fun with Roommates
Honestly, my roommates are pretty much the best. Meet:
Kaia- the friendly, passionate, artistic redhead. We have some of the best conversations.
Tara- the smart, musical, fantastic cook who is occasionally alarmingly hyper!
Brooke- the tall, beautiful, blond with a gentle nature and the best sayings and 'voices.'
They are supremely awesome.
For Tara's birthday, on Memorial Day, we had a party, in which Kaia was the decorator queen, Brooke made the coolest Tie-Die Cake, and I took tons of pictures of our adventures.
Our adventures included drawing an enormous, effective welcome 'mat' on the sidewalk in front of our apartment, with chalk. We also drew (most likely) the World's Largest Hopscotch- each square was the size of a cement slab and it went clear down the side walk. We took turns trying to make it all the way through, even filmed our endeavors. But no, the videos are not going to be released. :)
After it got too dark to draw on the sidewalk anymore, we went inside and proceeded to make fools of ourselves with glow-in-the-dark swords. Yes. We are awesome. We danced around in the dark, took crazy evil-pictures in front of the bathroom mirror. We even dressed up and recorded ourselves having sword-fights and etc.
Another time in which our splendid originality and personalities were manifested was just last Saturday night. At my insistence, we had thought to go together and roll down the hill by the Periodicals section of the library, on campus. But there was a couple making out there, and it would have been slightly awkward... So, instead, we went back to the apartment and ran around in the sprinklers like hyper chipmunks.
Kaia was quite (overly) excited that she could see the constellations and would randomly scream out things like "Ah! Look! I found Cassiopeia! Yes! Look!" At one point, we had moved on in our conversation, while she was still admiring the stars. Realizing that she didn't have our attention, she turned to me, grabbed at my arm, and in a somewhat stern voice informed us "Hey! That's Draco the Dragon!"
We ended the night after we had been playing around on the Wyview playground structures, claiming different 'kingdoms,' declaring war between the wood chips and the grass, cajoling the more tentative Tara to join us by saying that she could be "MY adviser" or "I'll name a STAR after you" or "Well, she's MY favorite counselor and I've given her a large estate!" and such. At some point we decided that we must be at least partially insane because of the late hour and finally retired to our apartment.
So there you have it. We've had many an exciting and interesting time/conversation. Like when we almost installed a 'Whoopie Alert!' security system against creepers because we don't have a chain for our apt door. Or our almost constant teasing Tara of her 'Coccasion' (yes, I know that's not a word. It's actually a mixture of 3 different ones, including a boy's name, Caucasian and occasion).

As I mentioned earlier- We're the best.
Kaia- the friendly, passionate, artistic redhead. We have some of the best conversations.
Tara- the smart, musical, fantastic cook who is occasionally alarmingly hyper!
Brooke- the tall, beautiful, blond with a gentle nature and the best sayings and 'voices.'
They are supremely awesome.
For Tara's birthday, on Memorial Day, we had a party, in which Kaia was the decorator queen, Brooke made the coolest Tie-Die Cake, and I took tons of pictures of our adventures.
Our adventures included drawing an enormous, effective welcome 'mat' on the sidewalk in front of our apartment, with chalk. We also drew (most likely) the World's Largest Hopscotch- each square was the size of a cement slab and it went clear down the side walk. We took turns trying to make it all the way through, even filmed our endeavors. But no, the videos are not going to be released. :)
After it got too dark to draw on the sidewalk anymore, we went inside and proceeded to make fools of ourselves with glow-in-the-dark swords. Yes. We are awesome. We danced around in the dark, took crazy evil-pictures in front of the bathroom mirror. We even dressed up and recorded ourselves having sword-fights and etc.
Another time in which our splendid originality and personalities were manifested was just last Saturday night. At my insistence, we had thought to go together and roll down the hill by the Periodicals section of the library, on campus. But there was a couple making out there, and it would have been slightly awkward... So, instead, we went back to the apartment and ran around in the sprinklers like hyper chipmunks.
Kaia was quite (overly) excited that she could see the constellations and would randomly scream out things like "Ah! Look! I found Cassiopeia! Yes! Look!" At one point, we had moved on in our conversation, while she was still admiring the stars. Realizing that she didn't have our attention, she turned to me, grabbed at my arm, and in a somewhat stern voice informed us "Hey! That's Draco the Dragon!"
We ended the night after we had been playing around on the Wyview playground structures, claiming different 'kingdoms,' declaring war between the wood chips and the grass, cajoling the more tentative Tara to join us by saying that she could be "MY adviser" or "I'll name a STAR after you" or "Well, she's MY favorite counselor and I've given her a large estate!" and such. At some point we decided that we must be at least partially insane because of the late hour and finally retired to our apartment.
So there you have it. We've had many an exciting and interesting time/conversation. Like when we almost installed a 'Whoopie Alert!' security system against creepers because we don't have a chain for our apt door. Or our almost constant teasing Tara of her 'Coccasion' (yes, I know that's not a word. It's actually a mixture of 3 different ones, including a boy's name, Caucasian and occasion).

As I mentioned earlier- We're the best.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
True dat
-Phyllis Diller said:
"Cleaning house before your children quit growing is like shoveling the walk before it quits snowing."
"Raising teens is like trying to nail jello to a tree."
Microsoft Works
Sanitary Landfill
Military Intelligence
"I am in shape. ROUND is a shape."
"Who did what? Oh, that? I don't know who did that. It surely could not be me. I blame my brother."
"Cleaning house before your children quit growing is like shoveling the walk before it quits snowing."
"Raising teens is like trying to nail jello to a tree."
Microsoft Works
Sanitary Landfill
Military Intelligence
"I am in shape. ROUND is a shape."
"Who did what? Oh, that? I don't know who did that. It surely could not be me. I blame my brother."
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