Monday, November 22, 2010

Choose Something Like a Star

Choose Something Like a Star

~By Robert Frost

O Star (the fairest one in sight),

We grant your loftiness the right

To some obscurity of cloud--

It will not do to say of night,

Since dark is what brings out your light.

Some mystery becomes the proud.

But to be wholly taciturn

In your reserve is not allowed.

Say something to us we can learn

By heart and when alone repeat.

Say something! And it says, 'I burn.'

But say with what degree of heat.

Talk Fahrenheit, talk Centigrade.

Use language we can comprehend.

Tell us what elements you blend.

It gives us strangely little aid,

But does tell something in the end.

And steadfast as Keats' Eremite,

Not even stooping from its sphere,

It asks a little of us here.

It asks of us a certain height,

So when at times the mob is swayed

To carry praise or blame too far,

We may choose something like a star

To stay our minds on and be staid.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hedwig's Theme

The Bell Tower on the North end of BYU campus played the theme from Harry Potter today, in honor of part 1 of the 7th movie, which comes out in theaters tonight at midnight..
My friend was with me and as we listened to it, she exclaimed fervently "My life is now complete!"

Winter Halloween

A bit outdated post, this. But I've been a bit sad that my fall went so quickly. Here's an optimistic way of using the snow in October.

Garfield Cartoon for 10/31/2010


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why October is the Best

Perhaps it's a bit because the birthstone is an opal- best ever! But mostly it's because of autumn. There is gorgeous color everywhere, the air is brisk, the sun is out, the wind blows, you snuggle up in a jacket and scarf, and it's the best feeling ever. Included are a few pictures I took to show my devotion to this most blessed of seasons.

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
~Albert Camus

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


There is this site that a dear friend introduced to me, which shares some letters that really should have been written. Here are some of my favorites.

Dear Twilight Fans,
Thank you for making us look sane and well-adjusted.
Sincerely, Trekkies

Dear Rubik's Cube,
Sincerely, Colorblind

Dear Gangster,
Pardon me, sir? Your trousers are descending.
Sincerely, a disturbed and unwilling observer

Dear People of the world,
We have finally developed a car that can run on water. But the water has to come from the Gulf of Mexico. Sincerely,
the Scientists at BP

Dear Dora,
You're bilingual at age 4, and you seriously can't see the stupid orange tree?!
Sincerely, It's right there

Dear Duck,
My advice? Do not cross the road. You will never hear the end of it...
Sincerely, Chicken

Dear Chicken,
I don't get why you're so popular for crossing the road...
Sincerely, The Cow Who Jumped Over the Moon

Dear Yahoo,
Talk to me when you're a verb... Then maybe I'll listen.
Sincerely, Google

Dear Nazis,
You did what?!?! I said I hate juice!
Sincerely, Hitler

Dear Mathematicians,
Here's a hint: X will always equal 10.
Sincerely, The Romans

Miss Clumsia

I think I have a talent. My ward has a talent show coming up soon, and I was considering singing. But perhaps I should change to my newly discovered superiority.
I trip. For no good reason.
Just within the last couple days I have: fallen out of a chair I was sitting on, literally walked into a wall, fallen flat on my face while talking to someone, did a Miss Congeniality in heels, nearly fell over taking a simple side-step in dance, and most amazingly tripped while standing still on a flat surface.
Honestly, I'm not sure you can beat that. There weren't even any stairs, dizzy spells, holes, or evil-5th-graders trying to trip me up.
I just have skill.