Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Across the Pond Top Ten: England

My next post of my study abroad: Top 10 things that I saw while in England. I'll probably do a top ten for most countries. I wanted to choose a top 10 overall, but I couldn't decide. Maybe after I've gone through each country I'll be able to narrow it down. Anyhow, without further ado, London!

10. Buckingham Palace
They had amazing statues and ornaments and gardens.
A bit overrated though.
9. Tower Bridge
Got to tour the thing. Pretty legit.

8. Hyde Park
These are some gates at the south end.
7. Millennium Bridge at night
Right next to Parliament, the Tate museum, and the Globe theater.
6.  221b Baker Street and The Sherlock Holmes Museum
They even had Sherlock Holmes profile tiles in the underground stop nearby
5. Tower of London
You  know they had their own zoo, with lions and all?

4. Henry V at the Globe Theater
Even though I had to stand, packed in with hundreds of other people, the whole 3 hours. It was worth it. I was even right next to the stage.

3. Big Ben and Westminster Abbey
Probably the most intense Baroque architecture I ever saw.

2. Les Miserables in the Queen's Theater
I'd never seen Les Mis live. It was incredibly fantastic in every way possible.
I stood in line for late tickets and got a decent seat for only £20. I passed up the 8th row center seat for £90 and gave it to the military guy from New Jersey in line behind me. 

1. Stonehenge
Bes£35 I ever spent.

 P.S. I chose not to include any Harry Potter references or sights. They would have taken up half the list. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Across the Pond 1: Museum Favorites

So. Here is the first in a series of posts about my Classics/Art History Study Abroad to Europe.
1: Museum Favorites

I've been kind and edited the pieces/art/pictures that may have unseemly depictions or exposure, despite the Laocoon and the Nike being incredibly fantastic and worth inclusion in this favorites post.

Achilles and Ajax playing dice : Rome 
Raphael's School of Athens: Vatican 
The Dying Goth: Vatican

Alexander vs. Darius mosaic


part of a Roman fresco : Greece

Heracles bossing a centaur: Florence

epic bronze chimera... thing: Florence
Copy of Michelangelo's David
(I did see the original, but that gallery didn't allow pictures - this was a replacement when the original was moved indoors for preservation from pigeons and pollution)

"Agamemnon's" gold burial mask: Athens

Zeus throwing lighting bold / Poseidon throwing spear : Athens

Bronze boy riding horse: Athens

Epic Greek black figure vase: Athens


Egyptian clay piece: Berlin



Hermes / Mercury
Painting of the "classics" : Paris

Bronze Hermes / Mercury feet : Paris

Bronze Roman copy of Greek Marble Ares / Mars : Louvre

Adonis - "handsomest man"

Sphinx! : Louvre